Houghton Towers

Not a PCE Event, but is a good day out, full of interesting cars.

More Details

To book and see event specifics, such as dates, you must be a Performance Car Exclusive member.

As a club, we are very security conscious, and we do this to protect our members identities and their cars - thank you for understanding.

You can apply for your free associate member below:

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Event Itinerary

I have been to this event a couple of times now, and there is always a great turnout of interesting cars.

We are too late to book a club spot, and there are no spaces left for displaying your car, so just putting this on for anyone who fancies a day out.

Clive and I will be going.  If you fancy it, just book on so we know you're coming and we can arrange to meet up.

Find out more information and book your tickers here: Supercar Showtime - Charity Supercar Event, Family Supercar Event

Members Only

To see event specifics, you must be a Performance Car Exclusive member.

You can apply for your free associate member below:

Apply Here